The Colour codes

Once the graph is generated, you may notice that some of the wallets shown in your graph appear to be colour-coded. The legend to the colour-coding will be explained below.


Users can also customise the graph by clicking on the legend's colour code. This will be elaborated in the later sections.

The Graph: Interacting with the graph

There are two ways to interact with graph - either directly by clicking on the nodes, or indirectly by using the buttons on the top right corner of the graph.

Direct Interaction

You can interact with the graph by clicking on the nodes and the lines in between the nodes, which are termed ‘edges’. By clicking on them, you would be able to see information relevant to the node or edge which you have clicked.

If you click on an edge, the Tx Hashes, sending and receiving wallet addresses, Tx Time and amount of ETH involved pertaining to the transaction will be shown.

Clicking on a node will display the category of the said node, the wallet address, their type and annotation in our Threat Reputation Database.

You can further customize the graph by clicking and dragging the nodes to move them around. 

You can move the nodes around in any direction as you want to.

Zooming in and out is also possible with the mouse wheel. Alternatively, users can zoom in and out by clicking the appropriate buttons on the bottom of the graph, which would be shown in the next section.

Lastly, if users are confused by the graph, there is a Path Filter feature which allows users to see how two specific wallets shown in the graph interact with another. This is achievable by clicking on a node, then clicking on the "Add to Filter" button.

Once one node is added to the filter, the second node is required to be added to the filter as well to visualize the path between the two nodes. For example, one such result would look like the picture below.

Users can return the graph to its previous state by removing the nodes in the filter (the nodes which appear bigger than the rest) by clicking the "Remove from filter" button.

Indirect interaction

There is a set of dropdown lists, a field textbox and buttons at the top right of the graph. These also allow you to interact with the data displayed by the graph, albeit indirectly.

1. Dropdown lists: The first one belongs to the source depth, hence the negative numbers, while the second one refers to the distribution depth. These dropdown lists enable you to modify both depths and thus edit the data shown to your liking without having to make the CATV tool run again.

However, the options shown in these dropdown lists are capped at the depths you have initially specified before you started tracing.

2. Hide nodes outbound/inbound: This feature allows users to hide nodes with a certain amount of outbound or inbound transactions. For example, if the limit is set to eight for “outbound”, any nodes with more than eight outbound transactions will be hidden.

Similarly, if the limit is set to eight for ‘inbound”, any nodes with more than eight inbound transactions will be hidden.

3. Download as image: The first icon on the top right corner of the graph. It allows users to save an image of the graph in JPEG form on their own device.

4. Show all nodes: The second icon on the top right corner of the graph. It causes the graph to display all nodes at once. This allows users to see the entire graph without having to expand it manually with arrow keys.

5. Fit Graph: Upon clicking the third icon on the top right corner of the graph, it fits the graph back to the centre of the frame. This is ideally used after users zoom in or out too much or moved around the graph.

6. Enter full screen: The last icon on the top right corner of the graph enables users to view the graph in full-screen mode. Users will be able to exit full-screen mode by pressing the ESC key.

Legend colour code filtering: As mentioned earlier, users can further customize the graph to their own preferences by clicking on the legend’s coloured codes. All the legends are in toggle mode.

Blacklist: For addresses registered as risky/malicious wallet addresses in our threat reputation database.

Whitelist: For addresses registered as secure wallet addresses in our threat reputation database.

Exchange/DEX/Bridge/Mixer: For addresses registered as Exchange/DEX/Bridge/Mixer wallet addresses in our threat reputation database.

Suspicious: For addresses registered as secure suspicious wallet addresses i.e., it has an extremely high risk score generated in CARA.

Smart Contract: For addresses registered as Smart Contract wallet addresses with our third party vendor.

Annotated: For confirmed wallet addresses in the case of a registered addresses (this case includes a personal wallet or a hot wallet of an exchange, etc.)

No Tag: For wallet addresses that have not been verified yet.

Zoom in/out: There is a -/+ icon at the bottom of the graph. These allow users an alternative method to zoom in and out of the graph other than using the mouse wheel.

Navigation Arrows (</>): There are (<), (>) icons on the left and right side of the graph to expand the graph on the source and destination hop depth by depth. 

Search Result - Source Highlights


Upon the creation of the graph, certain key highlights from the source side will be explicitly displayed under the source highlights. It includes the Exchanges and blacklisted crypto addresses encountered in the source side. The highest sender and receiver wallet with the amount and the Maximum Sent and Received transaction hash per depth.

Search Result - Distribution Highlights

Upon the creation of the graph, certain key highlights from the distribution side will be explicitly displayed under the distribution highlights. It includes the Exchanges and blacklisted crypto addresses encountered in the distribution side. The highest sender and receiver wallet with the amount and the Maximum Sent and Received transaction hash per depth.

Search Result - Transaction List

Upon the creation of the graph, all of the transactions displayed in the graph will be compiled into a list as well. This list can be found below the graph.

The transaction list also shows the Tx Hash, sending and receiving wallet addresses, annotation of sender and receiver wallets, the volume of the cryptocurrency in the transaction, sender and receiver type and the date and time when the transaction had taken place as well.

This list also allows for a small degree of customization. Users are able to sort the transaction list by clicking on the column headers and select for more fields from the "10 selected" dropdown list.

Exporting the Transaction List

At the top right of the Transactions List, there are two buttons: “Export Dist CSV” and “Export Source CSV”. These two buttons allow users to download the distribution and source transactions respectively in a CSV file, which can be opened using Microsoft Excel.